Make Stuff

Gain insights through making.

Why Make Stuff.

Critical Moment

When you want to shift from high-level abstract thinking and debate to more concrete and promising solutions.

Why it’s hard.

Biological Forces

Synaptic connections create pre-determined paths that keep us from exploring and building on vague, ambiguous, and unformed possibilities.

Cultural Forces

Organizations separate the formation of strategy from making and doing—greatly limiting what can be known and understood about potential solutions.


What to expect.

Think Right Responses

Right Thinkers are cloistered, proprietary, and secretive.

What to do.

Think Wrong Responses

Build with others to discover, understand, inspire further creativity, and inform strategy.

From Idea to Action

Be collaborative: Find co-conspirators who have something unique to offer—including the people you are building for.

Be ingenious: Make clever, practical, and original use of existing resources when building your solution.

Be simple: Build just enough to answer your biggest questions—avoid over building too early and be willing to share a few first drafts.