Innovation System: Process Innovation Readiness Assessment.
Unlock Your Organization’s Full Potential
Every industry is evolving, and every organization needs to innovate to stay ahead. But how ready is your organization to innovate? The Innovation Readiness Assessment offers a comprehensive evaluation to gauge your preparedness.
Why Take the Innovation Readiness Assessment?
1. Comprehensive Insight
Our IRA isn’t just a tick-box exercise; it digs deep into your organization’s core to examine every facet of your innovation capability - from roles and responsibilities to the nitty-gritty of operational planning.
2. Custom Feedback for Different Roles
Whether you’re a Next Executive defining the strategic direction, a Next Manager facilitating and overseeing day-to-day innovation processes, or a Next Innovator who is the driving force behind fresh ideas and solutions, the IRA provides actionable feedback tailored specifically for your role.
3. Discover the Fantastic Five
Through the IRA, you’ll uncover the Fantastic Five - the essential components that have the most significant impact on your innovation system. This knowledge will empower you to prioritize and direct efforts more effectively.
4. Benefit from Critical Dependencies
Learn not just about isolated areas of improvement but understand the critical dependencies between various components. The IRA provides insights into which areas to bolster to bring out the best in others.
Take now your Innovation Readiness Assessment
Innovation isn’t just about sporadic bursts of creativity. It requires a systemic approach, robust processes, and a culture that fosters and champions new ideas. The Innovation Readiness Assessment provides the roadmap.
Are you ready to embark on the journey?
Measure your readiness for next. Now.
Engage with Solve Next to build, run, benchmark, and evaluate cohorts across your organization with an organizational assessment. You’ll be able to compare yourself not only to the community benchmark but also to your organization’s benchmark.
Features of the Innovation Readiness Assessment
Deep Dive Analysis: From people, processes to platforms, no stone is left unturned.
Customized Reporting: Receive a detailed report with evaluations, implications, and actionable recommendations tailored to your role.
Data-Driven Results: Ground your innovation strategies in solid data and understand where you truly stand.
Innovation Readiness Assessment Benchmarks
1. Ad-hoc Innovation efforts are unplanned, sporadic, and inconsistent.
2. Emerging Innovation initiatives are present but are reactive and inconsistently applied.
3. Established Innovation is supported by clear, documented, and communicated processes.
4. Integrated Innovation is measured and controlled, with defined metrics influencing strategic decisions.
5. Optimized Innovation is deeply embedded in the culture, and continuous improvement is in place.