Certified Wrong Thinkers

A global community of status-quo busters.

The Wrong Thinkers listed below have completed Think Wrong Instigator Training that has provided them with the following problem-solving skills and tools:

  • Hands-on experience using Think Wrong Language and Frameworks to assess opportunities and engage people inside and outside of their organization in improving what is, imagining what might be, and overcoming obstacles while creating what’s next.

  • Understanding of how innovation roles can be used to deconstruct traditional hierarchies and institute new team-based approaches.

  • Essential problem-finding skills, including how to frame challenges and opportunities that align with their goals and aspirations.

  • Practical experience using the Next Cycle, discovery-driven development, and The Super Seven filtering questions to help people move from problem and solution uncertainty to certainty and dominance.

  • Ability to design a Think Wrong Sprint or Session to address challenges and opportunities, and to generate portfolios of pains, problems, opportunities, and solutions.

  • Practice leading and participating in a Think Wrong Sessopm—introducing Think Wrong frameworks, facilitating Think Wrong Drills, and documenting Think Wrong activities and output for reporting purposes.

  • Practice using innovation roles to recruit colleagues and outsiders to participate in Think Wrong Sprints and Session

  • Membership in a community of Think Wrong Practitioners from the private, public, and civil sectors. 

Want to become a Certified Wrong Thinker?

Join our community of Wrong Thinkers on LinkedIn

{ Click on Wrong Thinker Portraits for their LinkedIn Profiles }