Innovation System: Process

Innovation Playbooks

Write your


Do what the world’s most productive innovators do to win.

Continually build, execute, and manage time-risk balanced portfolios of strategic options. But don’t worry. It’s not as hard as it sounds.



Step 1.
Define your impact vision.

What is the difference you want to make in your team, department, division, organization, markets, the world?

Define Big Why that is at the core of all of your innovation efforts.


Step 2
Establish innovation goals.

A good goal describes what you are trying to achieve, the key actions you believe must be taken to achieve those results, and how you will measure progress and success.

Define the goals that will show significant progress toward your impact vision.


Step 3
Develop innovation strategies?

Strategy is the how to the why of our goals. A good strategy diagnoses the challenge to be overcome and designs a way to overcome it. 

Defined the strategies make it possible to accomplish your goals.


Step 4.
Define your Opportunity Portfolios.

You must conceive of and execute specific strategies across multiple opportunity horizons.

Identify how you will execute your innovation strategies. Map those into four Opportunity Horizon Portfolios.


Step 5.
Map where your innovation projects stand.

Clear stages define the journey and critical decision points that govern the progress of your innovation projects.

For each Opportunity Portfolio, identify where your innovation projects currently stand in the Next Cycle.

Step 6.
Evaluate the true status of your innovation projects.

Use The Super Seven to quickly and rationally evaluate and determine whether to promote, pause, or stop the development of a pain, problem, or solution hypothesis throughout the Next Cycle.

For each Opportunity Portfolio, assess the current status of your innovation projects.

Step 7.
Establish Next Boards and recruit Next Advocates.

Next Board Members provide crucial governance and guidance throughout the discovery-driven Next Cycle. Next Advocates provide access to the expertise and resources innovation teams require to validate crucial assumptions help ready the organization for new solutions.

Identify and recruit your Next Boards and Next Advocates.

Step 8.
Define the Next Rules that will govern innovation.

Existing processes and policies often create unintended barriers to developing and delivering what’s next. Next Rules allow your organization to explore, experiment, discover, develop, and deliver in new ways.

Describe the Now Rules that govern your current operations. Define the Next Rules that govern your innovation efforts.

Step 9.
Rebalance your innovation portfolios.

Based on Steps 1-8, rebalance your portfolios and reset resources based on each project’s current progress in the Next Cycle. A Next Board decision to promote a project to the next step of the Next Cycle will unlock an additional investment.

Present your portfolio recommendations to your Next Boards for execution.



Book your Leaders of Next Intensive.

The steps above will keep you from falling prey to predictable paths. They’ll also keep you from being among the 94% of innovation laggards who are disappointed and disillusioned by innovation attempts. 

Our Leaders of Next Intensive equips your executives and managers with the knowledge, tools, skills, and practical experience they need to create your Innovation Playbook.